Valitut rajaukset: Poista rajaukset
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Näytä kaikki (68)
Credits and Hours: Five ECTS (135 student hours). Fees: Free for participation with no credits and fee payable if ECTS credits are to be awarded (price to be determined). Equipment Required by Students: Laptop or tablet and internet access Platform: Hosted on an open Moodle platform (DIGMA) Awards: This is envisaged to have two levels 1. Those who complete all weeks and tasks as determined by learning analytics, including the assessment tasks in week 6, will be given access to a downloadable Certificate of Completion. This does not confer any credits or official qualification. We agree that we will accept the certificate in lieu of a pre-task should the student apply to the degree MEL program and is an eligible candidate. 2. Those who pay the fee and complete the work in the first 6 weeks and then proceed to the final two weeks can be awarded a certificate for the 5 ECTS credits on a pass/fail basis. We agree that these students will pass automatically to the interview stage, should they be eligible and apply for the MEL program. Theoretical Framework: The course uses the same theoretical framework as MEL, based on the principles of Authentic eLearning (Herrington, Reeves and Oliver, 2010) supported by participatory collaboration, Connectivism (Goldie, 2016; Siemens, 2018) Networked Learning Theory (Buchanan, 2021; Ostashewski and Reid, no date) and Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Kimble, Hildreth and Bourdon, 2008). Student integration in an online learning environment is underpinned by the work of Salmon (Salmon, no date) and her Five Step Model for online learning scaffolding and support. The themes of each week are framed by a series of questions that the course participants seek to answer collaboratively, working with the course teachers and their peers on the course. Thus, the course has an enquiry driven, participatory framework.
Thesis Writing and Research Methods courses need to be started before starting the Thesis project and writing the written report.
Opiskelija voidaan ohjata tasotestin perusteella ruotsin valmentavalle kurssille ensimmäisenä opiskeluvuonna. Vain suomalaisille opiskelijoille.
Opiskelija voidaan ohjata tasotestin perusteella ruotsin valmentavalle kurssille ensimmäisenä opiskeluvuonna. Vain suomalaisille opiskelijoille.
Aimed for Game Academy students.
Aimed for Game Academy students.