Rajaa hakua
Piilota rajaukset
Course material:
Papermaking science and technology. Book 20, Biorefining of forest resources
Different articles related to biomass utilization as raw material for bio based products and energy production
Tutkimukselliset menetelmät -opinnot tulee suorittaa ennen opinnäytetyön aloittamista.
Ne järjestetään sekä kevät- että syyslukukaudella ja niistä tiedotetaan kolmannen ja neljännen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille sähköpostitse.
Opinnäytetyön aihe ja aloittaminen hyväksytetään tutkintovastaavalla. Opinnäytetyölle nimetään aina ohjaaja.
Finding a practical training placement is on your own responsibility. The training place should preferably be from your own field and the main duties should be related to the field as well. Before your practical training begins, you must enrol for the practical training implementation. You must take care also that you have filled your practical training contract before the training begins. The practical training can be completed also in shorter parts.
Finding a practical training placement is on your own responsibility. In addition, you must enrol for the practical training implementation, before your practical training begins. You must take care also that you have filled your practical training contract before the training begins. The practical training can be completed also in shorter parts.