Valitut rajaukset: Poista rajaukset
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Opiskelija pitää tehtäväpäiväkirjaa ja suorittaa aikataulussa sovitut tehtävät keräten samalla portfoliota osoittaakseen osaamisensa. Suorituksen arviointi tapahtuu portfolion perusteella. Opintopistemäärä voi vaihdella suorituksen suuruuden perusteella. Projektin opiskelijat valitaan hakuprosessin kautta. Kurssin voi korvata vaihto-ehtoisilla muilla opinnoilla, jotka hyväksytetään HOPSin avulla.
Opiskelija oma-aloitteisesti hankkii opinnäytetyön aiheen teollisuudesta tai julkiselta sektorilta. Myös opiskelijan omista aiheista on mahdollista tehdä opinnäyte, mutta tätä ei suositella. Opinnäytetyön tulee kohdistua koulutusohjelman perustana olevan tehtäväalueen kannalta tärkeään kokonaisuuteen. Se voi olla yksi projekti tai osa monialaista projektia tai tutkimusta. Kaikki opinnäytteet ovat julkisia.
The programmes to be used during the course are specified in the implementation plan.
Finding a practical training placement is on your own responsibility. The first part of the training can be general training, where it is recommended that your duties are related to your field and they should be at least techical by nature. Before your practical training begins, you must enrol for the practical training implementation. You must take care also that you have filled your practical training contract before the training begins. The practical training can be completed also in shorter parts. The Degree Programme maintains a Tabula page for Practical Training Information that contains simplified instructions and relevant links to official instructions. Practical training is assessed pass/fail.
Finding a practical training placement is on your own responsibility. The training place should preferably be from your own field and the main duties should be related to the field as well. Before your practical training begins, you must enrol for the practical training implementation. You must take care also that you have filled your practical training contract before the training begins. The practical training can be completed also in shorter parts. The Degree Programme maintains a Tabula page for Practical Training Information that contains simplified instructions and relevant links to official instructions. Practical training is assessed pass/fail.
Finding a practical training placement is on your own responsibility. In addition, you must enrol for the practical training implementation, before your practical training begins. You must take care also that you have filled your practical training contract before the training begins. The practical training can be completed also in shorter parts. The Degree Programme maintains a Tabula page for Practical Training Information that contains simplified instructions and relevant links to official instructions. Practical training is assessed pass/fail.